Absolutely! The "Grimy Dozen" alludes to a rundown of twelve tenacious natural poisons (POPs) that are dependent upon global endeavors for ecological control. These contaminations are described by their capacity to continue in the climate, bioaccumulate in living creatures, and posture possible dangers to human wellbeing and the environment.
1. **Aldrin and Dieldrin:** These are pesticides utilized in farming, known for their constancy and likely damage to the climate.
2. **Chlordane:** A pesticide that was usually utilized for termite control, it can endure in the climate for a lengthy period and stances dangers to sea-going organic entities.
3. **DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane):** Broadly utilized as an insect poison, DDT acquired reputation for its natural steadiness and unfriendly consequences for untamed life, prompting its boycott in numerous nations.
4. **Dioxins:** A gathering of exceptionally poisonous mixtures shaped as side-effects of modern cycles, including waste cremation and substance producing.
5. **Endrin:** An insect spray with harmful impacts on the sensory system, it is known for its determination and bioaccumulation in amphibian environments.
6. **Heptachlor:** Basically utilized as an insect poison, heptachlor can endure in soil and water, presenting dangers to both human wellbeing and the climate.
7. **Hexachlorobenzene (HCB):** Utilized as a fungicide and modern synthetic, HCB is steady and can gather in the established pecking order.
8. **Mirex:** A pesticide used to control fire insects, mirex is impervious to ecological breakdown and can collect in organic entities.
9. **Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs):** Modern mixtures utilized in different applications, including electrical gear. PCBs are constant and can adversely affect biological systems and human wellbeing.
10. **Toxaphene:** A pesticide utilized in horticulture, toxaphene is known for its perseverance and expected harmfulness to sea-going living beings.
11. **Furans:** Substance intensifies connected with dioxins, furans are created as results in different modern cycles and burning.
12. **PCDD (Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins):** Like dioxins, PCDDs are exceptionally harmful mixtures shaped during specific modern cycles.
The Stockholm Show, a worldwide settlement, intends to take out or limit the creation and utilization of these POPs to limit their worldwide effect on the climate and human wellbeing. Nations that are gatherings to the show cooperate to oversee and lessen the arrival of these poisons into the climate.
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