Nawaz Sharif's thorn in the road and Chairman PTIنواز شریف کے راہ کے کانٹے اور چیئرمین پی ٹی ائی

 PTI has conducted the election in its party so well that the world has been shocked.  The incident will be mentioned for the next few days.  If someone forgets, Akbar S. Babar will remind him.

پی ٹی آئی نے اپنی جماعت میں انتخاب تو اس خوبی سے کرایا ہے کہ دنیا اش اش کر اٹھی ہے۔ آیندہ چند روز اس واقعے کا تذکرہ رہے گا۔ کوئی بھولے گا تو اکبر ایس بابر اسے یاد دلا دیں گے۔

If there is any further difficulty, Akbar Sahib will complete it by challenging it in the Election Commission or any other court.  Now here are two questions.  One is why the PTI has a penchant for dying and why it deliberately does such feats that throw more thorns in its path.  That is one question.

 The second question is also related to thorns.  These thorns are being mentioned in relation to Nawaz Sharif and everyone is saying that Nawaz Sharif's path is being picked.  Among these sages, including great scholars and intellectuals, are reciting this word.

 The question is whether Nawaz Sharif's path is really being picked or the incident is something else?  We believe that this is the most important question of the hour because the issue of the election of Chairman PTI's party, if not today, tomorrow, a different reality will emerge and make it as important as it should be.  In contrast, the series of slander about Nawaz Sharif continued

مزید کوئی کسر اگر رہ گئی تو اکبر صاحب اسے الیکشن کمیشن یا کسی دوسری عدالت میں چیلنج کر کے پوری کر دیں گے۔ اب یہاں دو سوال ہیں۔ ایک یہ کہ پی ٹی آئی کو مرنے کا شوق کیوں ہے اور وہ جان بوجھ کر ایسے کارنامے کیوں کرتی ہے جو اس کی راہ میں مزید کانٹے بکھیر دیتے ہیں۔ ایک سوال تو یہی ہے۔

دوسرے سوال کا تعلق بھی کانٹوں سے ہے۔ ان کانٹوں کا ذکر نواز شریف کے تعلق سے ہو رہا ہے اور ہر کس و ناکس کہہ رہا ہے کہ نواز شریف کی راہ کے کانٹے چنے جا رہے ہیں۔ ان فرزانوں میں جن میں بڑے بڑے دانش ور اور دانش مند بھی شامل ہیں، یہی کلمہ پڑھ رہے ہیں۔

سوال یہ ہے کہ کیا واقعی نواز شریف کی راہ کے کانٹے چنے جا رہے ہیں یا واقعہ کچھ اور ہے؟ ہمارا خیال ہے کہ وقت کا سب سے اہم سوال یہی ہے کیوں کہ چیئرمین پی ٹی آئی کی جماعت کے انتخاب کا معاملہ آج نہیں تو کل کوئی مختلف حقیقت سامنے آ کر اس کی اہمیت اتنی ہی کر دے گی جتنی ہونی چاہیے۔ اس کے مقابلے میں نواز شریف کے بارے میں گل افشانی کا سلسلہ آیندہ بھی جاری رہے

What is the matter of Chairman PTI?  As far as the claimants of the historic mandate with two-thirds majority are concerned.

 The world of politics has never lacked such dreamers.  The formula of politics is used for the workshop of politics, but this creature is found in a bedroom that buys a dozen eggs and builds an imaginary palace, and in the same situation kicks the basket of eggs.  It also destroys Ponji, like Khan Sahib first expelled his members from the National Assembly, then broke the Punjab and KP Assemblies, and completed it by kicking the basket of eggs on the 9th of May.  was given  Now they are preparing for the final kick with the determination to boycott the elections and end the scandal itself.

 Why do they want to boycott the elections?  There are two reasons for this.  And that they can now see the earth moving under their feet.  The reality of how the earth is sliding under his feet has been described very well by Qibla Nusrat Javed Sahib.

 The nuances of political eras that he describes, I think that few of our journalists and columnists have such ability.  If a person is interested in politics and does not read them, I think he should follow another path.  Politics is not useful for him.

 Another reason for boycotting the elections by Chairman PTI is psychological.  Firstly, they do not like power in the hands of anyone but themselves, and secondly, they do not play politics like cricket, like the wise fighting woman whose tricks turn on her own.  The issue of his party election and the selection of his successors is also something like that.

 Now coming to the real issue.  Two cases against Pakistan Muslim League-N leader Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif have come to an end and the remaining one case is also expected to meet the same end.

 This expectation is not so wrong, but is this propaganda correct that the thorn in their path is going to be chosen?  The fact is that Nawaz Sharif is an individual or let us say that he is the leader of a political school of thought.  For a living nation, the coming and going of an individual for any reason is not a problem.  The problem arises when you tarnish the future of the nation by targeting an individual or a political group

چیئرمین پی ٹی آئی کا معاملہ کیا ہے۔ انھیں جہاں تک دو تہائی اکثریت کے ساتھ تاریخی مینڈیٹ دلانے کے دعوے داروں کا معاملہ ہے۔

سیاست کی دنیا میں ایسے خواب دیکھنے والوں کی کمی کبھی نہیں رہی۔ سیاست کی کارگاہ کے لیے میدان سیاست کی ترکیب استعمال کی جاتی ہے لیکن یہ مخلوق کسی ایسی خواب گاہ میں پائی جاتی ہے جو درجن انڈے خرید کر تصوراتی محل تعمیر کرتی ہے اور اسی کیفیت میں کسی پر خفا ہو کر انڈوں کی ٹوکری کو لات رسید کر کے رہی سہی پونجی بھی تباہ کر دیتی ہے جیسے خان صاحب نے پہلے قومی اسمبلی سے اپنے اراکین کو نکال کر، اس کے بعد پنجاب اور کے پی اسمبلیوں کو توڑ کر رہی اور سہی کسر نو مئی کو انڈوں کی ٹوکری کو لات مار کر پوری کر دی تھی۔ اب وہ آخری لات مارنے کی تیاری اس عزم کے ساتھ کر رہے ہیں کہ الیکشن کا بائیکاٹ کر کے ٹنٹا ہی ختم کر دیا جائے۔

وہ انتخابات کا بائیکاٹ کیوں کرنا چاہتے ہیں؟ اس کی دو وجوہات ہیں۔ اور یہ کہ انھیں اب پاؤں تلے سے سرکتی زمین دکھائی دینے لگی ہے۔ ان کے پاؤں تلے سے زمین کیسے سرک رہی ہے، اس کی حقیقت قبلہ نصرت جاوید صاحب نے بڑی خوبی سے بیان کر دی ہے۔

سیاست دوراں کی جو نزاکتیں وہ بیان کرتے ہیں، میرے خیال میں ایسی قدرت ہمارے صحافیوں اور کالم نگاروں میں کم کسی کو حاصل ہے۔ کوئی شخص اگر سیاست میں دل چسپی رکھتا ہے اور انھیں نہیں پڑھتا، میرے خیال میں اسے کسی اور راستے پر چلنا چاہیے۔ سیاست اس کے لیے مفید نہیں۔

چیئرمین پی ٹی آئی کی طرف سے انتخابات کا بائیکاٹ کرنے کی دوسری وجہ نفسیاتی ہے۔ اوّل وہ اپنے سوا کسی دوسرے کے ہاتھ میں اختیار پسند نہیں کرتے اور دوم وہ سیاست کرکٹ کی طرح بھی نہیں اس دانش مند لڑاکا عورت کی طرح کرتے ہیں جس کی چالیں خود اس کے اپنے اوپر پلٹ جاتی ہیں۔ اُن کاپارٹی الیکشن اور اپنے جانشینوں کے انتخاب کا معاملہ بھی کچھ ایسا ہے۔

اب آتے ہیں اصل معاملے کی طرف۔ پاکستان مسلم لیگ ن کے قائد میاں محمد نواز شریف صاحب کے خلاف دو مقدمات اپنے انجام کو پہنچے اور باقی ماندہ ایک مقدمے کے بارے بھی توقع یہی ہے کہ اسی انجام سے دوچار ہو گا۔

یہ توقع کچھ ایسی غلط بھی نہیں لیکن کیا یہ پروپیگنڈا درست ہے کہ ان کی راہ کے کانٹے چنے جا رہے ہیں؟ حقیقت یہ ہے کہ نواز شریف ایک فرد ہیں یا یہ کہہ لیجیے کہ وہ ایک سیاسی مکتب فکر کے قائد ہیں۔ کسی زندہ و جاوید قوم کے لیے کسی فرد کا آنا اور کسی وجہ سے چلے جانا کوئی مسئلہ نہیں ہوتا۔ مسئلہ تب پیدا ہوتا جب آپ کسی فرد یا سیاسی گروہ کو نشانہ بنا کر قوم کا مستقبل تاریک کر دیں

Blogs writing complete course

To compose writes and get sees, think about these tips:

1. **Identify Your Audience:**
   - Know who you are composing for. Understanding your main interest group helps tailor your substance to their inclinations.

2. **Compelling Headlines:**
   - Create eye catching titles that urge perusers to click and investigate your substance.

3. **Quality Content:**
   - Give important, well-informed, and connecting with content. Tackle issues, answer questions, or engage your crowd.

4. **Consistent Posting:**
   - Lay out a predictable presenting plan on keep your crowd connected with and fabricate expectation.

5. **Use Web optimization Techniques:**
   - Streamline your substance for web indexes. Utilize significant catchphrases normally in your substance and metadata.

6. **Promote on Friendly Media:**
   - Share your blog entries across various web-based entertainment stages to expand perceivability and contact a more extensive crowd.

7. **Engage with Your Audience:**
   - Answer remarks on your blog and web-based entertainment. Fabricate a local area around your substance.

8. **Guest Blogging:**
   - Contribute visitor presents on different sites in your specialty. This can grow your span and acquaint your composition with new crowds.

9. **Visual Appeal:**
   - Incorporate pictures, infographics, or mixed media to make your substance outwardly engaging and simpler to process.

10. **Email Marketing:**
    - Assemble an email list and tell your endorsers when you distribute new happy. Email promoting can assist with sustaining a committed readership.

11. **Networking:**
    - Interface with different bloggers, powerhouses, and industry specialists. Systems administration can prompt coordinated effort potential open doors and expanded openness.

12. **Analytics:**
    - Use examination apparatuses to comprehend what works and what doesn't. Change your systems in view of information.

Keep in mind, fabricating a crowd of people takes time, so be patient and remain focused on delivering quality substance.

Adsense complete course on blogs

 Unquestionably! we can apply on blogs.

1. **Create a Blog:**

   - Pick a contributing to a blog stage like Blogger or WordPress. Follow the stage's moves toward set up your blog.

2. **Quality Content:**

   - Compose unique, connecting with content. Center around offering some benefit to your crowd.

3. **Blog Design:**

   - Decide on a spotless and instinctive plan. Make route simple for guests.

4. **Domain Ownership:**

   - Consider getting a custom space (e.g., It adds amazing skill and may improve your possibilities with AdSense.

5. **Age of Your Blog:**

   - Google frequently favors laid out sites. Go for the gold long periods of steady posting prior to applying for AdSense.

6. **Create Google AdSense Account:**

   - Go to the AdSense site and sign up. Give exact data, including your blog's URL.

7. **Verify Your Identity:**

   - Google might require character check. Adhere to the directions gave during the sign-up process.

8. **Add AdSense Code:**

   - Upon endorsement, sign in to your AdSense account. Create promotion codes and spot them in your blog's HTML where you maintain that advertisements should show up. This could be in the header, sidebar, or inside blog entries.

9. **Comply with Policies:**

   - Stick to AdSense arrangements. Keep away from content that abuses their rules, like unlawful or grown-up satisfied. Find out about AdSense program strategies.

10. **Monitor Performance:**

    - Monitor your AdSense dashboard. Screen promotion execution, income, and any warnings from Google. Make acclimations to promotion situations if necessary.

Keep in mind, AdSense endorsement isn't moment. It might require a couple of days to a little while. Center around building major areas of strength for a with quality substance and sticking to AdSense strategies for an effective and feasible adaptation system.

Complete course of a product listing SEO optimizer

 Surely! While looking for an item posting Website design enhancement enhancer, think about the accompanying strides in more detail:

1. **Online Platforms:**

   - **Upwork and Fiverr:** These independent stages interface you with a different scope of consultants, including Web optimization trained professionals. Peruse profiles, audits, and past work to find an enhancer that matches your requirements.

2. **SEO Agencies:**

   - **Look for Agencies:** Search for Website design enhancement offices that explicitly notice skill in web based business or item improvement. Check their sites, contextual investigations, and client tributes to assess their capacities.

3. **Industry Forums:**

   - **Distinguish Applicable Forums:** Join discussions connected with your industry or the internet business stages you use. Stages like Reddit, particular gatherings, or local area sheets frequently have conversations about Search engine optimization administrations.

   - **Request Recommendations:** Make a post looking for proposals for item posting Website optimization enhancers. Individuals might share their encounters and recommend experts or offices.

4. **LinkedIn and Proficient Networks:**

   - **Improve LinkedIn Search:** Utilize LinkedIn's pursuit capability to track down Website design enhancement experts. Search for the people who represent considerable authority in web based business or item streamlining.

   - **Interface and Inquire:** Associate with likely applicants and ask about their involvement in item posting Web optimization. Audit their profiles and supports.

5. **Ask for Recommendations:**

   - **Networking:** Connect with other entrepreneurs or associates in your organization. Inquire as to whether they have insight with item posting Search engine optimization streamlining agents and in the event that they can suggest somebody dependable.

**Recruiting Considerations:**

- **Expertise:** Guarantee the analyzer grasps your industry, items, and the particular stage where your items are recorded (e.g., Amazon, Etsy, Shopify).

- **Surveys and Portfolios:** Actually look at audits, tributes, and arrangement of possible analyzers. Search for demonstrated outcome in further developing item perceivability and deals.

- **Communication:** Pick somebody with clear relational abilities who can make sense of their procedures and progress successfully.

- **Budget:** Think about your financial plan and arrange terms prior to concluding an understanding.

Make sure to adjust these means in view of your particular requirements and inclinations. Continuously focus on clear correspondence and a shared comprehension of objectives with the picked enhancer.

Fiverr complete course

 Absolutely! Beginning on Fiverr includes a few stages:

1. **Create an Account:**

   - Visit the Fiverr site or download the application.

   - Pursue a record utilizing your email or associate with Google/Facebook.

2. **Profile Setup:**

   - Complete your profile with an expert photograph and a brief bio featuring your abilities.

3. **Identify Your Skills:**

   - Decide the administrations you need to offer. This could be composing, visual communication, programming, advertising, and so forth.

4. **Research and Set Prices:**

   - Take a gander at comparable administrations on Fiverr to decide cutthroat evaluating for your abilities and experience.

5. **Create Gigs:**

   - Gigs are the administrations you offer. Make convincing gig postings with clear titles, itemized portrayals, and any pertinent examples or portfolio joins.

6. **Optimize Labels and Keywords:**

   - Utilize pertinent labels and catchphrases to make your gigs more discoverable in Fiverr's hunt.

7. **Promote Yourself:**

   - Share your Fiverr profile via online entertainment or through different organizations to increment perceivability.

8. **Provide Superb Service:**

   - At the point when you get orders, guarantee opportune conveyance and great work. Positive audits will upgrade your standing.

9. **Communicate Professionally:**

   - Answer speedily to messages, be clear in your correspondence, and lay out great affinity with clients.

10. **Adapt and Improve:**

    - Focus on criticism, adjust your administrations in view of client needs, and constantly work on working on your abilities.

Keep in mind, accomplishment on Fiverr takes time. Building a positive standing and acquiring surveys will steadily expand your perceivability and draw in additional clients.

How can you run a business on Facebook?

 Certainly! Here's a more detailed guide on running a business on Facebook:

1. **Create a Business Page:**

   - Go to Facebook and create a dedicated business page. Choose an appropriate category, add a profile picture, cover photo, and fill in relevant details about your business.

2. **Optimize Your Page:**

   - Complete all sections of your business page, including the "About" section. Use keywords related to your business to enhance discoverability.

3. **Content Strategy:**

   - Plan a content strategy that aligns with your business goals. Share a mix of engaging posts, images, videos, and links to keep your audience interested.

4. **Consistent Posting:**

   - Regularly update your page with fresh content. Consistency is key to maintaining audience engagement.

5. **Audience Interaction:**

   - Respond promptly to comments and messages. Engaging with your audience builds a community around your brand.

6. **Facebook Ads:**

   - Use Facebook Ads to reach a wider audience. Define your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Set a budget and monitor the performance of your ads.

7. **Insights and Analytics:**

   - Utilize Facebook Insights to analyze the performance of your page. Track metrics such as reach, engagement, and demographics of your audience. Use these insights to refine your strategy.

8. **Special Offers and Promotions:**

   - Create exclusive offers or promotions for your Facebook audience. This can encourage customer loyalty and attract new followers.

9. **Collaborate and Network:**

   - Collaborate with other businesses or influencers to expand your reach. Networking on Facebook can open up new opportunities for your business.

10. **Facebook Groups:**

    - Consider creating or joining relevant Facebook groups. Participate in discussions and share your expertise to establish your business as an authority in your niche.

11. **Customer Reviews:**

    - Encourage customers to leave reviews on your Facebook page. Positive reviews can build trust among potential customers.

12. **Monitor Competitors:**

    - Keep an eye on your competitors' Facebook pages. Analyze their strategies and learn from their successes and mistakes.

Remember, adapting your approach based on the evolving landscape of Facebook and your business needs is crucial for long-term success. Regularly evaluate your strategy and make adjustments as needed.

Do you need to elevate your business with a landing page?

 Unquestionably! A presentation page is an independent website page made for a particular promoting or publicizing effort. Its essential objective is to change over guests into leads or clients. Here is a more nitty gritty clarification:

1. **Purpose**: Greeting pages are planned with a particular reason, for example, advancing an item, administration, or catching client data (like email addresses for a pamphlet).

2. **Focus on Conversion**: Dissimilar to normal website pages, it are smoothed out and centered to land pages. They have insignificant interruptions to keep guests zeroed in on the principal motivate (CTA).

3. **Clear Message**: The substance on a greeting page ought to be brief and straightforwardly connected with the mission. Obviously convey the incentive and advantages of your contribution.

4. **Compelling Headline**: Catch consideration with a convincing title that features the vital advantage or arrangement your item or administration gives.

5. **Engaging Visuals**: Utilize important and great pictures or recordings to upgrade the general allure of the page. Visuals can assist with passing on data rapidly and actually.

6. **Call-to-Activity (CTA)**: Have a reasonable and conspicuous CTA that guides guests on what move to make. Whether it's making a buy, joining, or downloading something, the CTA ought to stick out.

7. **Form or Contact Information**: On the off chance that you want to gather client data, incorporate a structure or give contact subtleties. Keep the structure fields insignificant to decrease grinding.

8. **Mobile Optimization**: Guarantee your point of arrival is improved for cell phones. Numerous clients access sites on cell phones, so a versatile plan is vital.

9. **Trust Indicators**: Incorporate tributes, surveys, or any trust-building components to impart trust in guests. Trust is fundamental for change.

10. **Analytics**: Carry out examination instruments to follow client conduct on the greeting page. This information can assist you with understanding what's functioning admirably and what needs improvement.

11. **A/B Testing**: Trial with various components on your point of arrival, like titles, pictures, or CTAs, to see which mixes perform best. A/B testing can improve your page after some time.

Keep in mind, the key is to keep the client venture basic, clear, and lined up with your promoting goals. Consistently break down execution measurements to refine and further develop your presentation page for improved results.